Creative Solutions

Sometimes with illness, we find ourselves in troublesome jams and we feel like we cannot escape.  We get an overriding sense of feeling stuck and that we need rescuing or we’ll never find our way back to freedom. We may need to “push aside what gives us comfort” and then “get really grounded” as we […]

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Dandelion Wishes

My kids know it is safe to play in our yard because dotted among the grass are dandelions, violets and clover. Dandelions are medicine and wishes to our family. To them, the absence of dandelions in some neighboring yards is quite creepy. They understand that lawn chemicals don’t just “go away” after being sprayed on the dandelions; […]

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Lemons – sweet or sour or both?

If you look around the globe and study the diversity of the various cultural cuisines, you can easily see how what you grow up eating is what you generally find tasty. Different cultures “decide” what tastes good and it ends up being somewhat of a self fulfilling prophecy. In the US, most kids are growing […]

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What you must know before you try dry needling

EDITED 05/13/2015: A previous version of this article included a section titled “A few key facts about dry needling”. This section has been removed and I now encourage interested readers to consult a detailed and authoritative discussion of the same issues by the National Center for Acupuncture Safety and Integrity. To this point I have […]

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What Is Acupuncture?

Originally published in the July 5-18, 2012 issue of 365Ink – page 31 My first acupuncture treatment was as an engineering student at Marquette University, suffering from severe migraines and other health issues on a daily basis. I was at the end of my rope health-wise and had run out of options with “conventional” medicine. My […]

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An Overview of Functional Medicine

My first experience with Functional Medicine was in 1996 when I saw a holistic minded MD who practiced this type of holistic health care. Ever since this first experience with Functional Medicine, I have been fascinated with the ways we can overcome many chronic health conditions utilizing a variety of holistic and natural interventions. During my […]

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Filling Up Your Cup

A little girl recently came in to the clinic with her mom for her mom’s acupuncture appointment.  She was a sweet little girl and looked like she wanted something to help keep her busy while her mom rested, so I went and got a box of crayons and some paper so she could color during […]

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